Aplication Tracking System

Getting better of Applicant Tracking System using AI Tools

Applicant Tracking System (ATS) have now become a pivotal instrument in the modern day recruitment processes. In fact, 75% of employers have already adopted ATS, largely due to the presence of online job boards. The Internet and various job posting services have made job submission easy, meaning candidates can now apply for multiple jobs simultaneously with minimum effort.

According to a study, 94% of recruiters  which include top companies like BMW, Google, PayPal and Amazon have reported an increase in their hiring process due to the implementation of ATS. Studies have indicated that there has been a significant rise in the ATS usage. Recently a survey conducted by GOHIRE suggested that 89% of companies with over 500 employees use ATS and 36% of small businesses with less than 100 employees are now using ATS. Another survey report by jobscan named 2023 ATS usage report revealed a staggering 97.4% of fortune 500 companies rely on ATS for recruitment. This shows the importance of ATS in today’s recruitment scenario.

These systems have helped employers in streamlining and managing the influx of the new candidate  when there is an opening. However, the case of job seekers is a bit different and navigating through the ATS can be a bit of a task which can often lead to frustration in perfectly qualified candidates who get filtered out before human eyes can even reach their resumes. Understanding the functioning of Applicant Tracking System and adopting strategies in that direction to optimise your resume can highly increase your chances of leading to that desired interview round of your dream company.

But What is ATS?  How does it function?

Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is basically a software where application submitted by candidates to the employers is collected , sorted , scanned and then ranked in an order .The basic function of ATS is to make the hiring process more efficient by automating the initial review of  CV’s ensuring that only the most relevant CV’s are shortlisted to be reviewed by the hiring manager.

The ATS Screening Process has integral parts which have a significant effect on your chance of clearing ATS. To avoid getting rejected by ATS you must first know how an ATS works and the processes it undertakes to screening out Candidates applications.

AI Tools for application tracking system

AI tools have revolutionized the way application tracking systems operate, offering enhanced efficiency, automation, and data-driven insights. Products like Beamery  leverage AI to automate candidate sourcing, screening, and engagement, saving recruiters time and effort. Workable employs AI-powered algorithms to analyze candidate data, identify top talent, and provide personalized candidate experiences. Additionally, Greenhouse utilizes AI to streamline the hiring process, automate administrative tasks, and generate valuable analytics for informed decision-making. These tools empower businesses to make data-driven hiring decisions, improve candidate experience, and ultimately accelerate time-to-hire.

In addition to the tools mentioned above, AI-powered chatbots like HireVue and Interview.io have become increasingly popular in the application tracking system landscape. These chatbots can conduct initial candidate screenings, saving time for recruiters and providing a more engaging experience for applicants. By leveraging AI, these chatbots can analyze candidate responses, assess their skills, and identify potential matches for specific roles. This not only streamlines the hiring process but also allows for more efficient and objective evaluations of candidates.

Keyword Matching an important part of Applicant Tracking System

Applicant Tracking System scans CV’s for the specific keywords and the phrases that match the job description. These keywords can include various things such as skills, qualification and experience relevant to the roles. Formatting and structure of resumes that are not properly formatted or not structured may not be able to parsed rightly by the ATS , which leads to missing or misinterpreted information. Interestingly, a study suggests that 75% of applicants are often rejected in the resume-parsing state, never reaching the scrutiny of recruiting managers.

The world’s top companies and dream of many uses ATS such as Walmart the world’s largest retailer , JPMorgan chase a financial institution , Apple a leader of technologies and design all use ATS as the initial screening tool. Companies often keep their ATS selection and data practises confidential for security reasons, but there are some tips and tricks that can be used to clear ATS.

Relevance and Rankings another integral part of Applicant Tracking System

The resumes which are optimised for specific job description with relevant keywords in their CV’s have a 70% higher chances of being selected by ATS .The candidates should ensure that these exact terminologies appear in their CV; however keyword stuffing should be avoided. After using the right keyword the next step is to use simple formatting. The use of simple formatting can also prove to be very effective at times, as the ATS can struggle through the complex formatting , using simple fonts , avoiding images and graphics and ensuring clear section heading can help in clearing the ATS .

This is the most important step in the journey of not getting rejected by ATS that is the tailor each resume which is customising your resume for every job opening you apply as you know not all job are same and they have specific so how can all resume be same they have to be tailor made according the role and company you are apply in at. A study by LinkedIn found that personalised applications are 4x more likely to get an interview. Resist upon the urge to use generic format for the resume and focus on customization.

Optimising your file name is also one the way to be properly categorised by an Applicant Tracking System for example name your file in such a way that (John_simth_marketing_manager) . This will ensure that the resume gets properly categorised by the ATS. Usage of templates designed with keeping ATS in mind can also prove to be helpful.

Thus having an Understanding of ATS workings and optimising your resumes according to that can significantly improve your chances of selection by the ATS in the initial round of hiring. Doing all these steps one must not forget his or her unique value proposition while Applicant Tracking System is a hurdle , not the finish line. Incorporating these strategies you’ll definitely increase your chance of getting past the first hurdle into the hands of a real person, there your USP, skill and experience can shine and get you through.

Also read on our portal an interesting blog ‘Take notes in meetings using AI: Gamechanger or Gimmick?’


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