AI Jumble

The Inaugural Issue of AI Jumble Newsletter is here

Discover the latest developments and insights in the ever-evolving world of AI with AI Jumble. From news and interviews to a comprehensive directory of AI tools, we’ve got you covered. Join our community and stay informed on all things AI.

Today’s Menu

  • Welcome, AI Jumble
  • What is AI Jumble all about?
  • What is AI Jumble’s weekly newsletter?
  • Welcome aboard, The AI Jumble team
  • That’s AI Jumble for you

Welcome, AI Jumble

Welcome to the AI Jumble Weekly

A warm humanly welcome is all you need in this AI World. While we are always talking about AI, this newsletter is written by a human.

Relief? You will get valuable information, news, interview clippings, featured AI tools, and heck, we will even add some memes for you to laugh at. We want this newsletter to be an interesting open.

Unlike others, we won’t just stuff in everything we can. But, it’ll be a fun-packed email with lots of value.

What is AI Jumble all about?

  • The Portal: This portal won’t take you to another dimension but if the AI world amazes you, it will surely open up there. AI Jumble’s home page is the opening gate of the portal.
  • Directory: There are plenty of fish in the sea but if you wanna see the best one, we will find it for you. (It’s pretty obvious that fishes are AI tools). We have a search bar and filters to find the right AI tool for your needs.
  • Reviews: It’s never enough to trust one organization. So, we got the user-generated review section. Users like YOU publish the reviews for other users. We encourage you to publish the AI Tools reviews to help other users.
  • Web stories: Web stories are small slide-show-type content for you. Usually, we showcase AI tool’s features walkthroughs in our web stories.
  • C-level interviews: Want to get into the mind of a C-level executive? We got the interviews for it. We ask questions related to their AI tool to get insights for other founders as well as users.
  • Blogs: Unlike a normal corporate blog section, we publish highly engaging content you would definitely wanna read. Give it a try. We won’t disappoint you.
  • Newsletter: Aah, do we need to say more here?

What is AI Jumble's weekly newsletter?

AI Jumble is a portal with lots of AI stuff, more on it later. Let’s first talk about the newsletter.

We started a weekly newsletter to summarize everything that happened in the AI world for you in a single email.

Missed one? No worries, you can even read it on AI Jumble’s newsletter section where it will stay intact till the end of life.

Welcome aboard, The AI Jumble Team

As we mentioned, it’s not a portal. It’s a community. A community doesn’t work without everyone’s input.

So, how was the website?  Did you check the filters for searching AI tools? We spend hours to come up with that. To make AI tools more interesting, we have web stories that talk about these AI tools. Feel free to check it out.

Want to see a feature or section on our website? Reply to this email and we will check with our technical team to see if it’s possible.


Join Our Community: AI Jumble Weekly isn’t just a newsletter—it’s your passport to the world of AI. Where to get the Visa? It’s in our Discord community.

That’s AI Jumble for you

That was it for our first newsletter. Wait, it’s not over yet.

Thank you for joining us on this adventure. Here’s to many more weeks of learning, sharing, and growing together within the fascinating world of AI.