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Top ChatGPT Tricks and Hacks

Who doesn’t use ChatGPT in today’s world? Everyone will be using the GPT 3.5 model in one way or the other. People use generative AI at least once a week when they want to ask some questions. The questions can be either about their work or education. In December 2023, ChatGPT had over 1.6 Billion visits. This shows popularity of the AI.  Here, in this article, we are going to talk about some of the top ChatGPT tricks and hacks that you can use in your lifetime. 

Top ChatGPT Tricks and Hacks

Now, we will see some of the Chat GPT tricks for conversation. These are the tricks useful for anyone who regularly chats with the generative AIs. 

Sharing Chat GPT conversations with others

The first trick that is lesser known to people is sharing your chats. You can share your Chat GPT conversations with anyone you want. Once you share it, the other person will be able to chat in the same conversation. Top ChatGPT Tricks and Hacks  They can see the data as well. Both of you can collaborate and have perfect conversations with the GPT.  To do it, you can simply head over to the three dots and then hit the share button. You can then share the link with anyone you want.

Top ChatGPT Tricks and Hacks: Delete the links for Archive chats

It’s a big deal when it comes to sharing the links. You might have shared a link with many people. However, you might want to have the chat private. ChatGPT even allows you to delete the links when you archive a chat. 

You can simply head over to the settings option and then head over to the data tab. There will be an option called shared links. You can hit the manage button and you will see all your shared links over there. It allows you to delete the links directly from the dashboard. Once you delete it, no one can access the chats that you just shared. So, your conversations are safe. 

Archive the chats

You can put the chats on Archive if you don’t want others to see them.  Let’s take a wild example, shall we? If you are using ChatGPT to get the answers to some wild questions and they want you to open the ChatGPT for some work, you might have a problem with privacy, right? In such cases, you can archive the chats and no one can see the chats.  There is an archive option to see the data. 

View Archive Chats

You can head over to the profile picture and open the settings option. 

You will see the “Archived chats” option where you can see all the chats. If you want to archive all the chats, you can simply hit the “Archive all” option.  

Customize ChatGPT (3.5)

You can customize ChatGPT in any way you want. Go to your profile icon below the chats and you will see an option called customize ChatGPT. 

There are two main sections here. 

  • What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?
  • How would you like ChatGPT to respond?

To improve responses for the user, ChatGPT needs to know their interests, their preference for detail level, specific topics they want to focus on or avoid their prior knowledge of a subject, and their preferred tone of communication.

In the same way, you can enter how would you like the response. ChatGPT should respond based on the user’s interests, detail preference, topic focus, prior knowledge, and preferred communication tone.

In our opinion, this feature is still new and needs a lot of testing. As it’s harder to just add a prompt for the entire conversation. However, if you always find yourself entering the same prompt again and again, you can enter that prompt in this section. 


That was all about ChatGPT tricks and hacks. Open AI keeps updating ChatGPT with new features regularly. So, it’s our recommendation to keep checking the page once in a while to learn more tricks about ChatGPT. If you follow us on our newsletter, we will even update you about the same. 

Want to master ChatGPT? Learn about Prompt engineering

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