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AskBooks offers a unique and valuable resource for anyone looking to gain insights from books and authors. Users can request the inclusion of their favorite books not currently available in the collection, making AskBooks even more personalized and useful. AskBooks offers a unique and interactive approach to book summaries and insights, powered by AI technology.


  • Quick and concise summaries of books across a wide range of topics.
  • Engaging in interactive conversations with books and authors to uncover unique insights.
  • Asking questions and exploring different perspectives on favorite books or authors.
  • Discovering new books and authors based on popular recommendations.


  • Users can quickly and easily access insights from a vast collection of over 2,000 books and authors.
  • Users can also engage in interactive conversations with books and authors to uncover hidden insights and ask questions.
  • Offers a diverse range of themes and genres, making it easy for users to explore summaries and insights across various topics.
  • The search function makes it easy for users to find specific book titles or author names.

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